Bridge to Connection 

A Coaching Group for Couples Healing from Betrayal

Healing a relationship after betrayal can feel overwhelming.

It may be difficult to rebuild trust and restore emotional and/or physical intimacy.  

You may sometimes feel hopeless or lack the tools to heal your relationship, even if both of you desperately want it to work.  

Helping Couples Heal offers a transformative four-week group for couples in the early stages of healing from betrayal trauma to help create a foundation based on truth, education and relational skills necessary to rebuild trust and intimacy.  

 Our structured curriculum addresses trauma, safety, truth and reality.  Every group session also offers opportunities to give and receive feedback from a betrayal trauma expert as well as other recovering couples.  

start healing the relationship

Do you relate?

  • We haven’t been intimate in a long time and physical intimacy feels impossible now.
  • When is it going to get better?
  • It feels like our whole world is now about betrayal trauma and recovery.
  • I keep hearing about disclosure in my support group and meetings.  I don’t understand how that will help.  In fact, I fear it will make things worse.
  • There are so many triggers it seems impossible to rebuild trust.
  • We have such different realities, it keeps us from connecting and it often feels like we are on opposing teams. 
  • We  both feel so much shame. 
  • It feels impossible to rebuild trust.
  • The triggers have not decreased in intensity or frequency even though we’ve been in recovery for a long time.
  • We can’t communicate in a way that makes us both feel safe.  
  • Anger, resentment, pain and defensiveness get in the way of us connecting and being vulnerable with each other.  
  • We don’t have the tools to communicate in a way that makes us feel safe.

Start Healing

If you want to heal your relationship but feel stuck, this group is for you.

    • Crisis reduction & conflict resolution
    • Development of roadmap/strategies for relational healing
    • Framework from which to rebuild trust and intimacy
    • A path forward based on the understanding of triage in the context of relational healing after betrayal.  
    • Authentic connection with other couples recovering from the impact of betrayal.  
    • Support and education from a betrayal trauma expert in a safe and non-judgmental space to foster mutual empathy and compassion..



How the group works

  • 4 Weekly sessions
  • 90-minute sessions
  • Mondays 4 Pm – 5.30 pm
  • Secure Online Video Conferencing
  • Maximum 8 Couples
  • Cost: $895 / Couple


July 22 – Precall
Aug 19 – 4-5.30 pm 1st call
Aug 26 – 4-5.30 pm 2nd call
Sept 9 – 4-5.30 pm 3rd call
Sept 16 – 4-5.30 pm 4th call

Your Coach: Ilyse Craft,  Betrayal Trauma Specialist

lyse Craft serves as the President of Helping Couples Heal, bringing years of leadership and client relations experience.

Ilyse is a betrayal trauma Coach, trained in Deceptive Sexuality and Trauma Treatment (DSTT) and Integrity Abuse Disorder with Dr. Omar Minwalla, and the Helping Couples Heal poly-theoretical treatment model with Marnie Breecker, providing clients with powerful tools to navigate the complexity of betrayal.

Ilyse holds multi-certifications as a Master Transformational Life Coach , Certified Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner, Certified Breath-work Practitioner, and offers a holistic and somatic approach to healing.

She developed the Helping Couples Heal Intensive Coaching Program (HCH-ICP) for Clients looking for a higher level of support as they navigate the impact and challenges of betrayal. In addition to her leadership role, Ilyse works with clients individually as part of the HCH-ICP program. Her warm and compassion nature coupled with years of leadership experience make her an invaluable part of the HCH team.